Code of Conduct
To make our club rides safe please listen to the ride leader and read the below guidelines to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable ride.

How to be a safe rider
Ensure your bike, helmet, lights and attire are all in good condition before joining each ride.
Ensure you are prepared to be self-sufficient in case of a puncture/mechanical.
Follow the road rules at all times and be courteous to other road users.
Only ride two abreast when it’s safe to, riding single file allows cars to pass and reduces the probability of an accident.
Follow the etiquette of bunch riding which is to:
Ride smoothly, practice the discipline of holding a steady line and pace.
Be predictable and always indicate your intentions.
Ride with your handlebars level with the person next to you, when riding two abreast.
Not half wheel (your front wheel is past the back wheel of the person riding in front).
Warn other riders of safety hazards by pointing and or a loud voice e.g. ‘pot hole’.
We also encourage you to wear the BCC kit on our rides, as it easily identifies you as one of our riders. This is particularly important when we are practicing things such as rolling turns and riding together on a bunch ride when there are other riders about. Not only is it safer, but you are promoting our club to help grow the sport and a safe cycling community.
Take all rubbish home, this includes banana skins.
In Case of an Emergency
We hope we never need them but it’s important to have some emergency contact details on you just in case. You can carry your membership card which has emergency contact listed, or you can add your Medical ID to your phone, check your Health app, add emergency contact details and these can be accessed even if your phone is locked.